investment make money

investment make money. I will try to tell my story as I started investing. And what happened? In September 2013, I had a small amount of money, about $ 500, which I wanted to use. From school I remember the words ’rich people are so rich and that their money is not in place, they always turn around’. But where to invest $ 500? A deposit in a bank is simply saving money, real estate .. well, not just with such a small amount. I started to look for information on the Internet, chose PAMM-accounts. Somewhere I’ve heard about them. After consulting with people and doing the opposite, I chose some attractive invoices and invested money. It was not a full moon and ... everything worked. I only earned 3.458% for a part-time month. After that, I every month, as much as possible, I made money. Taking into account my deposits and the profit already received (which I will reinvest), my investment portfolio is now $ 2,645.25 Profitability of investments is monthly September 3.458% October 5.01% November 6.578% December 0.96% January 6.61% Average profitability of 5% per month. Given the complex% per annum, the expected return is about 80%. 63945
