invest money

From childhood, we knew that in order to earn money, you need to go to work and spend your physical and / or mental strength. Unfortunately, most of us just earn. But if you think about it, it’s not difficult to understand that in order to earn more dollars, you need to work more. Here a problem arises: not everyone can “reach” to the company’s president by the age of 30 or even 40, in order to have a job that will allow them to be financially independent. It remains only to spend more and more working time in order to have a profit. Moreover, why would you need money if you work all the time? This is where - when a person physically cannot earn the required amount - investing and comes to the rescue (another confirmation that laziness drives progress). If you want to make your capital work for you, you need to start to invest money. Such an approach to money should radically change your idea of ​​how to make money. 74356
