In this guide Has your savings rate got you looking for alternative ways to use your hard earned money? Whether it’s for long term growth or to generate income, shares can be a profitable way to use your savings! The decision to invest shouldn’t be taken lightly, but if done well you could get much better returns than even the best savings accounts. We go through everything you need to consider when investing in What do you want to achieve? If you have a specific aim in mind, saving for retirement or to make a large purchase in the future then for capital growth is the way to go. If you’re considering putting your money into shares, whether that is through direct investment in the stock market or through pooled funds such as unit or investment trusts, you need to be looking at a five year time span at the very least. If you have less time than this, or do not want to tie up your money for that long, then you would need to consider other options, such as savings accounts or shorter-term This is a big part of investing and will influence the ent decisions you make. If you invest in shares your capital will rise and fall according to how the markets are performing So if you can’t cope with watching your hard-earned cash falling in value, then in stocks is not the right option for you. However, even if you consider yourself very risk adverse, there are out there for you. But the more risk you’re willing to take, the greater the potential rewards! There are ways to manage the risk when investing in shares, including;Boying stocks online 76802
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