must contain online money investment The world is full of people who would sell you toe nail clippings and magic cat dung...if they could get away with it. Andrew HallamUnfortunately, the financial service industry breeds more of those opportunists than any other sales field. And they can skillfully disguise feline faeces to look (and smell) sweeter than a bouquet of spring flowers. As a young investor, you can’t afford to put some of these products on your dinner plate — not if you eventually want to grow wealthy. I’m a high school personal finance teacher who built a million dollar investment portfolio by the time I was 38 years old. I published a book called Millionaire Teacher - The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School. It hit #1 on Amazon USA for personal finance books in November 2011, #1 in Canada in February 2012, and now I want to boil down the essential elements for a young British audience. If you just read this with scepticism, good! That’s what I want. Be sceptical of nearly everything people tell you, when they’re giving financial advice. Find academic studies that might refute it. Only then will you be educated enough to make a financial decision. Don’t listen to a salesperson or financial advisor who refutes or supports certain advice. Find an academic study, something truly impartial. 80033
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